About us

  佑昀國際有限公司是西班牙製可變電阻品牌-ACP在台灣的授權代理商,專業銷售ACP所生產的各類密閉式可變電阻/微調電阻/電位計/印刷電路電阻;同時佑昀也經銷英國品牌-Positek的線性可變差動變壓器(LVDT)/旋轉可變差動變壓器(RVDT)/傾角偵測器(tilt sensor)以及德國品牌-Seika的加速度感測器(accelerometer)/角度感測器(inclinometer);近期又再導入CJP可調電容以及Jaesang Electronics各類型開關產品的代理。

  佑昀所代理產品主要應用於家電、消費性電子、汽車電子、醫療器材、儀器、電源供應器、自動控制、船舶控制、位置傳感、工業自動化、製程控制、耳機、揚聲器、免持裝置等等。 秉持客戶至上的精神,佑昀提供客戶最完整及滿意的服務,以協助客戶產品開發,提升產品附加價值為宗旨。秉持正確、迅速、負責、品質理念堅持為每位客戶服務。顧客滿意及建立長久的合作關係為我們的目標。若您有任何相關產品上的需求,請與我們聯繫。

  Yow Win International Co., LTD. is authorized distributor/agent for Spanish company-ACP (Aragonesa de Componentes Pasivos) in Taiwan region in order to introduce, promote and develop the high quality closing type potentiometer, trimmer, variable resistor, printed circuit resistors as well as sensors. We are also the sales agent for Positek products-LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer), RVDT (Rotary Variable Differential Transformer) and Seika products-tilt position sensor, accelerometer and inclinometer. Furthermore, Yow Win has recently phased in CJP ceramic trimmer capacitors and distributed the various switches of Jaesang Electronics.

  Typical application for those products are home appliance, consumer electronics, automotive electronics, medical equipment, instrument, power supply, automation, ship control, sensing system, industrial automation, manufacturing process, wireless headphone, headset, speaker and microphone.
Obviously, our long-term business goal is to provide products with satisfaction and quality to meet customers and market demand. We have strong sales team with experienced technical background to provide accurate solution in different field need. Our comprehensive inventory control, logistic management and after sales service also give a vigorous backup to fulfill customer’s need.

  Yow Win will keep the enthusiasm to serve customers, strive to accomplish various requirements and target to reach 100% customer satisfaction. We are confident to be your reliable partner.