JS-swtich product category

  Seika 是專業的傾斜感測器和加速度計製造商,產品以高精度和高穩定性著稱,廣泛應用於工業自動化、建築監控、機械設備、船舶和航空領域。Seika 的感測器專為需要精密測量的位置和角度應用而設計,為用戶提供可靠的數據和長期穩定的表現。

  Seika is a specialized manufacturer of inclinometers and accelerometers, known for their high precision and stability. These products are widely used in industrial automation, structural monitoring, machinery, marine, and aerospace sectors. Seika’s sensors are designed for applications requiring precise position and angle measurements, providing users with reliable data and long-term performance.




Sensor Box